Guild of Painters & Limners Competitions
Upcoming Kingdom A&S Competitions of interest:
May Crown 2010:
an item of clothing or armour from a portrait /illumination/ woodcut painted shield, fabric surcoat, caparison for horse (as seen in the Lutrell Psalter)
Twelfth Night 2011: bestiary an illumination project, but at least you’ll be keeping your hand in.
Midwinter 2010: carving woodblock print carved and painted statuary, furniture, toys May Crown 2011:
item used on a hunt painted and gilded  leather  hawk’s  hood decorated  leather dog armour (as seen in the Devonshire Hunting Tapestries) also: Tudor or Elizabethan jelwellery limned portrait medallion enamelling
November Crown 2010:
glass painted glass goblets and plates gilded glass
Midwinter 2011: jousting equipment painted shields, banners, surcoats, caparisons, helmet crests

Past Competitions and Patron's Prize
The innaugral Patron's Prize was held at 12th night in Krae Glas. The theme was 'Animals'.
The winner was Lady Katerina da Brescia with a sketch based on silverwork sketches in the style of 14th C Italian Pattern Books.

Click her for Documentation
Other entries included painted banners, a winged lion painting and a minature.
The prize was donated by our Patron, Viscountessa Lucrezia Lorenz.

2007: Patron's Prize:  theme: Donkey or Camels, to celebrate our Patron's time in Marocco.
Prize: collection of Sable brushes.
Upcoming Competitions:
to be advised.

Past Competitions:

"A painting in the style of tempura paintings 1200-1400"
(there is no size limit)