What's on- with The Painters and Limners Guild of Lochac

Upcoming Meeting/ Event Date/ Time Hosting Group/ Contact
The Melbourne chapter of the Guild
meets on the third Saturday of the month -Contact Antonia for details. Antonia di Lorenzo
Painters and Limners Guild Information Day
The Innilgard chapter, of the Guild, is holding an information/ discussion day for anyone interested in the art. This is being held as part of the weekly A&S Day at the Girl Guide Hall, Beulah Park SA. 
Sunday 12.00-2.00pm
Date in 2011 to be announced.
Katerina da Brescia
Surveying Expedition Jan
2011 - 
January 21-24, 2011.
117 Tricks Lane Napoleons, Victoria

Guild Meeting - Rowany Festival 2011. Details TBA. Easter, 2011.  Antonia di Lorenzo

Past Meetings/ Event Date/ Time Pictures/Info
Egg tempera workshop at Krae Glas A&S Workshop Day 
Workshop on making and using charcoal and drawing chalks at Stormhold 
Sat 13 Nov - see the Krae Glas calendar
for details.
Egg Tempura Class - Great Southern Gathering.
Innilgard. 2010.
GSG FLickr Kat_d_b
Egg tempura results.

Antonia di Lorenzo:
Guild Administrator

If your groups is hosting a Painters and Limners Guild event, please contact the Guild Administrator, Antonia.

Current Painters and Limners Contacts:
Guild Administator/Newsletter:  Antonia di Lorenzo
Patron: Baron Alaine Lorenz
La Signora Onorata (THL) Katerina da Brescia

It should be noted that Illumination and Calligraphy remains under the Lochac College of Scribes and Illuminators
The Guild will also promote the research of techniques and usage typical before 1600AD.

site last updated 25/4/10